Welcome to our Company

Himalayan Engineering Associates Pvt. Ltd. (HEAPL) was established in 1993 with a mission of providing quality services and customer satisfaction in all kinds of construction works, engineering design, supply and application of construction materials and chemicals. HEAPL is a “Class A” contractor and a pioneer in structural repair, rehabilitation and waterproofing, along with various other structural treatment works in Nepal with a good reputation of over 31 years.


Authorized distributor of chemicals from Masters Builders Solutions® in Nepal

Why Choose Us?

The associated experts of HEA together carry decades of experience in running multitude of modern construction projects like retrofitting, rehabilitation, repair and strengthening of civil structures developing a highly competent, trained technical manpower that can successfully handle the complex demands of the situation and can provide high quality construction services analyzing the problems. It has done works in different embassies, hotels, NGOs, government and non-government organization's.

We have a work experience of more than 31 years and are the pioneer of the industry.

We have worked with and have been trusted by highly renowned governmental and non- governmental organizations in Nepal.

We provide the most reliable service with highest level of expertise and customer satisfaction.

We are associated with Master Builders Solutions® which is one of the leading supplier of construction chemical and solutions worldwide.

Think Outside of the Box?

Waterproofing work for Hyatt Hotel

Bridge Retrofitting and Rehabilitation work of Tamur Bridge.

Our Clients

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